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Ahmed Olugboyega


Ahmed Olugboyega

Ahmed is our Administrator. He is our first point of contact for all those who contact Borderline Arts, updates information on our database etc amongst many other vital administrative tasks to keep our charity running smoothly.

Where are you from?
I am from Nigeria.

Why did you choose to volunteer at Borderline Arts?
I chose to volunteer at Borderline Arts because I am passionate about mental health advocacy and supporting individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline Arts’ mission to raise awareness and reduce stigma around BPD resonates deeply with my values and desire to make a positive impact in the community.

What is your role in Borderline Arts?
I am an administrator, assisting with various administrative tasks to support the smooth operation of the organization and contribute to its overall mission.

What is your occupation outside Borderline Arts?
Outside of Borderline Arts, I work as a Health Care Assistant.

How long have you volunteered with Borderline Arts?
I have been volunteering with Borderline Arts for 2 months, and it has been a fulfilling experience so far.

What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is blue.

What’s one of your favourite places in the world?
One of my favourite places in the world is Mekkah in Saudi Arabia.

What is one of your favourite quotes?
One of my favourite quotes is by Nelson Mandela: "It always seems impossible until it's done."

Do you have any phobias?

Marmite: love it or hate it?
Hate it.

An interesting (or weird) fact about you?
An interesting fact about me is that I love reading and learn fast.

Do you have any pets?
No, I do not have any pets.

Introvert or Extrovert?
I am an extrovert.

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