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For more information about each of the above, please see below:

Charity Run Fundraiser: 

Fancy taking part in a fitness challenge and getting a shiny medal whilst raising money for a charity!?

As part of BPD Awareness month, we are launching our 'Virtual Charity Run'! You can choose to walk/run or wheel 5k or 10k, depending what works best for you!

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How does it work?

1. Pay/Raise £10 for the entry fee

2. Fill in the sign up form here


3. Do your 5k or 10k (any time before the end of 2021!)


4. Email Sarah with your proof (e.g Fitbit/Strava screenshots)


5. We’ll post you your medal!

In addition to the sign up cost, you can also set up a Local Giving Fundraising Page to raise a few more pennies from sponsorships if you wish, but there is no pressure to do so.

For more info about how to do the above steps head to our Virtual Run Facebook Group or email Sarah.

Creative Expressive Groups:

For the second year in a row, we're very excited to have a wonderful student from the University of Derby running a series of six FREE creative group sessions for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

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These sessions enable adults with BPD to come together and engage in creative activities, with a focus on exploring/expressing/celebrating the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives. No artistic ‘skill’ or experience is needed. During May we have 2 of these sessions, which run on the 7th and 21st May from 1.30-2.30pm on Zoom. For more information, please head to our webpage with more details here

Writing Group:

Our FREE Writing Group for adults with BPD continues to run on a monthly basis, facilitated by the wonderful Pippa Nayer!

Pippa (an experienced writer and poet, who happens to also have BPD) faciliatates the sessions.


The group aims to help participants to gain experience and confidence in using creative writing as a tool for escapism, fun and self expression. Creative writing helps those of us with BPD to express ourselves as individuals, manage our emotions and much more. Workshops include games, writing exercises, discussion etc. Prior experience of writing is not required; anyone of any skill level is welcome to attend!

During May, the session lands on Friday 14th and runs from 2pm - 4pm on Zoom. The theme of the workshop is 'Being Your Own Superhero'. For more information, please head to our webpage with more details here

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Art Group:

Our FREE Art Group for adults with BPD continues to run on a bi- monthly basis, facilitated by our founder, Sarah Eley.

We launched our Art Group in January 2018. It's a free bi-monthly group for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) to come together and engage in creative activities, with a focus on exploring/expressing/celebrating the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives. No Artistic ‘skill’ or experience is needed.

During May, the session lands on Friday 28th and runs from 2pm - 4pm on Zoom. The theme of the workshop is 'Emotional Suit of Armour'. For more information, please head to our webpage with more details here

BPD Q&A on Zoom:

For the first time ever, we're holding a Zoom Q&A for people to come along to with questions they may have about BPD!












This will run on Monday 31st May from 7-8pm marking the final day of BPD awareness month.

This Zoom forum is an educational forum for people who DO NOT have BPD/EUPD, but who want to understand more about it. It's for those with a genuine interest in sensitively understanding more about the condition. It will be an informal, but fairly structured session based on questions that have been submitted in advance, rather than a general open discussion about BPD/EUPD.

The evening will start with Sarah (our founder) introducing herself and giving a quick overview about when she was diagnosed, then she will answer any questions that have been sent to us prior to the session. Then if anyone has questions throughout the session, she'll attempt to answer those too, time permitting. We're potentially going to have a couple of other people with BPD joining Sarah to share their experiences too - watch this space.

DISCLAIMER: There may be some discussion around topics such as self-harm and suicide etc, so we want to ensure that anyone who attends is aware of this and feels confident this will not trigger them in any way.

To sign up for this event, please click here.

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