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How Borderline Arts Began


Sarah (founder of Borderline Arts) had experienced first-hand a great deal of stigma due to her own mental health challenges, including Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).


In early 2013, Artcore UK got in touch with Sarah and asked to exhibit some of her artwork. The aim was to help the viewers gain a deeper understanding of what it is like to live with mental health difficulties.

Sarah got friends involved (who were also artists with BPD) to exhibit alongside her. It was clear that exhibiting images that expressed personal experience of mental illness had the potential to powerfully raise awareness of mental health difficulties and therefore reduce the associated stigma.

Others got on board to help set up Borderline Arts and they began to establish how they could help to reduce the stigma surrounding BPD.

In this video, Sarah talks about how Borderline Arts began and the happenings that led it to where it is today.

The importance of using the arts was core to our activities and Sarah, along with others, began to create and facilitate creative workshops, exhibit art and perform drama pieces - all of which aim to raise awareness and break down stigma surrounding mental health issues, specifically Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).


In April 2015, Borderline Arts moved into an office premises and became a registered charity - it is going from strength to strength. It has been a journey and there have been great highs and lows, but with an amazing team, Borderline Arts is thriving. You can find out more in the video above.

Special thanks to those who worked so hard in those early days to help Borderline Arts develop: 
Emerciana DeSouza, Zoe Savva, Artcore UK (particularly Ruchita and Zahir), Caron Kirkham, Bianca Dosanj and many, many others.

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