About Our Online Writing Gallery
We have several writer’s pages (including our collaborative 'Borderline Writers' page), that you can explore by clicking the links below:
The aims of our virtual writing gallery are to showcase the work of those diagnosed with BPD.
By doing this, we hope to:
Promote and celebrate the creative talent of the writers, as this:
- Increases the self esteem of the writers
- Encourages other people to view them as writers rather than just seeing a BPD label
Empower adults with BPD to raise awareness of BPD (if they wish to), as this can:
- Decrease feelings of self-stigma
- Increase confidence
Raise awareness and tackle the stigma of BPD, as:
- Reading written work of firsthand BPD experiences helps people understand the reality of life with BPD (the poems
express the internal, invisible struggles that create the responses/behaviour that is so often misunderstood)
- More understanding improves how those with BPD are treated by professionals and improve relationships with loved ones
If you wish to submit any of your written work to be shown in our online gallery, please refer to the guidelines in the PDF file to the right and make sure you agree before sending it to us. We look forward to reading!
If you have any written work and are interested in sharing it in the gallery, please see the guidelines above and then email contact@borderlinearts.org for more information.