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As the Volunteer Coordinator of Borderline Arts, Sally ensures that our team has the volunteers we need.


She keeps in touch with them regularly to ensure they feel appreciated and supported as vital and valued members of our team! 

Where are you from?

I'm originally from Leeds but I now live in Derby.

Why did you choose to volunteer at Borderline Arts

I turned to art and creative writing after the birth of my eldest daughter as a way of processing and expressing how I was feeling. Later on, I also encouraged my friend to do the same as part of her recovery from anorexia. We actually went on to write and publish a book together about her recovery which raises awareness of eating disorders. As such, I know and understand the power of the arts and when I came across Borderline Arts I knew straight away that I wanted to play a role in their work.



What is your role in Borderline Arts?

Volunteer Coordinator

What is your occupation outside Borderline Arts?

I work as a Project Coordinator for Asthma + Lung UK managing the relationship with healthcare professionals. I also have my own creative business called Rhymes To Remember.

How long have you volunteered with Borderline Arts?

Currently less than a month - I started in February 2023.


What is your favourite colour?

Blue and purple


What’s one of your favourite places in the world?

I tend to gravitate towards places with mountains and a view!

What is one of your favourite quotes?

“The stars are within our reach but first, we have to take a step into the darkness.”

This is actually one I wrote myself. It’s about taking a leap of faith, stepping into the unknown and believing that you can get to where you want to go.


Do you have any phobias?

Being trapped in a small space would be one of my worst nightmares. That and jumping out of a plane…absolutely no way!

Marmite: love it or hate it?

Hate it.


An interesting (or weird) fact about you?

I once starred in a photoshoot modelling one of my poems on a wedding dress whilst being chased through a field by sheep.

Do you have any pets?

Yes 2 guinea pigs called Pixie and Petal and 8 tropical fish called Sharky, Bluey, Tigger, Fireball, Rainbow, Rosey, Star and Twinkle….don’t ask me which one is which!

Introvert or Extrovert?



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