Sarah Eley
Founder & Coordinator

Sarah is the founder of Borderline Arts and she coordinates the charity as a whole. This means she does a bit of everything, including many day-to-day running tasks.
She also runs the Creative Educational Workshops and some of the Art Groups. She is involved in the film that Borderline Arts is developing and helps out at awareness stalls as well as coordinating art exhibitions and much, much more.
She is also often asked to advise on the reality of life with BPD from outside parties (such as TV producers/script writers). She has also been asked several times to speak at BPD conferences and events.
Where are you from?
Why did you choose to volunteer at Borderline Arts?
I thought I ought to since I set it up. No, on a serious note, I'd experienced so much stigma for having BPD and I wanted to try to make a positive change to help people understand and feel more understood.
What is your role in Borderline Arts?
Founder and coordinator.
What is your occupation outside Borderline Arts?
I work part time as a Personal Assistant for a lovely Deaf lady. I offer support with communication (using British Sign Language to bridge the communication gap) and other support needs, as required. It doesn't feel like work - I love it! I've also just started doing ad hoc sessions as an 'Expert Patient' - it's a chance for medical students to practice taking a mental health history as part of their studies. It's quite therapeutic and cathartic for me too!
How long have you volunteered with Borderline Arts?
Since the beginning (2013)!
What is your favourite colour?
Ohhhh, there's too many colours to choose from! I like bold, bright colours!
What’s one of your favourite places in the world?
I LOVED India... but I love any warm holiday destination! And my bed!
What is one of your favourite quotes?
"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities." (Albus Dumbledore)
Do you have any phobias?
Marmite: love it or hate it?
Hate it.
An interesting (or weird) fact about you?
I collect Lego, and use the figures in my photography! I also have a lopsided ribcage, and my cat sits on my shoulder when I clean my teeth. I have also recently got back into learning Japanese, which I love!
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have two cats.
Introvert or Extrovert?